Dr. Andres Bustillo, a plastic surgeon with a subspecialty in facial surgery, describes the reasons to undergo secondary rhinoplasty. “Sometimes these patients have had surgery for aggressive, you have to replace the cartilage to be normal and to be able to breathe again, “he says. There are also cases in which the nose has been crooked, too small or too much tissue is left. But the review can not be done immediately.
“You have to wait at least a year between the first and second surgery to lower inflammation, ” explains Dr. Bustillo.
Typically, the surgery is done with an open approach through a columellar incision at the base of the nose, which lifts the skin and will cause ia. If the patient left a protruding hump is cut, if you have depression, is populated, if there are defects in the components of the nose, for example the very tip punctured, septal cartilage is used, ear or rib (in cases ends), and sometimes used a graft of synthetic material such as Goretex. Also sometimes the surgery is performed via endonasal, or through the nostrils.

The nose mark the appearance of each face, but there are people who are unhappy. Many of them change their appearance through cosmetic surgery rhinoplasty or nose. But the nose may be defective and the patient then chooses a secondary rhinoplasty.
The purpose of a secondary rhinoplasty is a nose back to normal. “In my practice I talk to the patient first. I see how they did the surgery and look at pictures before the surgery,” says the Doctor, a plastic surgeon. After a physical exam, the doctor on the computer shows you how to get the hotfix. “I like the noses that look natural,” he says.

In preparation, it is imperative to seek recommendations, call the medical center to find a surgeon who has done many of these interventions and interviews with more than one to listen to various opinions. Both Dr. Bustillo as the Doctor insisted that the surgeon should be certified by one of the boards, including the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery (American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery), the American Board of Plastic Surgery (American Board of Surgery aesthetics) and the American Board of Otolaryngology (American Board of Otolaryngology). The Doctor says it is important to operate with an experienced surgeon in otolaryngology and go to one that carries out a minimum of one hundred procedures per year. Also the patient must be healthy, so it is recommended blood tests, electrocardiogram and chest X-rays, depending on the age and possible diseases. Regarding health insurance, you have to see if the procedure is caused by design or function. If functional, the insurance would cover it.
The surgery takes about two hours and the patient may go home the same day. You must sleep with two or three pillows, put cold compresses until the next day and get rest at home the first two days. The plaster and bandages are removed after one week. Exercises were suspended for three weeks and then return to normal life in a month. The risks include infection, bleeding or the patient does not fulfill its plan surgery.
As for the advantages of surgery at Baptist Health, Dr. Bustillo said: “You are in a hospital in very high quality. The nurses are experienced in caring for these patients. There is a very high level of medical excellence in facilities the Baptist Medical Arts Hospital and South Miami Hospital. ” To which the Doctor adds: “They have an incredible team of anesthesiologists and more technology in the operating rooms to reach the moon.”
The patient’s Doctor, Selina Silverio, is a good example of someone who came dissatisfied with the outcome of your initial rhinoplasty after many years went to the Doctor to repair its appearance.
“Seven years ago when I had the surgery of the nose was crooked and wanted to refine. The Doctor was very professional and realistic. Now my nose is very naturally with my face,” he explains.
There are people who after the initial rhinoplasty end impacting their health. When talking with a patient of Dr. Bustillo, who expressed great satisfaction with the results of your procedure, a secondary rhinoplasty to correct some breathing problems that occurred after his first operation, she said, “At last breath comfortably. It’s incredible think that looking for a solution not only aesthetic I was unhappy with the appearance of the nose but at the same time caused me problems with a basic necessity like breathing. I recommend Dr. Bustillo to my loved ones. It is extremely intelligent and compassionate , took his time to explain everything and was very nice. “