A Deep Plane Facelift, meticulously executed by a Facelift qualified surgeon, not only makes you look younger but also healthier and happier. But most people don’t realize how many advantages this type of facelift has until they’ve had one.
In this post, we will share with you the benefits of having a deep plane facelift. And we’re not talking about vanity here; we’re talking about health benefits. A facelift makes you feel young again, boosts your self-confidence, and improves your appearance.
If you’re thinking about getting a deep plane facelift in Miami, then read this post first before making any decisions. Then go ahead and get started!
Who can get a deep plane facelift?
The Deep Plane Facelift Miami is recommended for people who are struggling with the appearance of age and excess skin. This cosmetic surgery, one of the various types of facelifts, is commonly done on middle-aged and older adults who are starting to have loose skin.
Candidates for a deep plane facelift need to have a good medical history, good physical health, and be non-smokers. Smoking can delay your healing process and may interfere with achieving optimum results.

Deep Plane Facelifts: 10 Incredible Benefits You Should Know
If you consider yourself a good candidate for this plastic surgery procedure but are not sure about going through with it, here are some of the amazing benefits of a deep plane facelift.
1. Reverse signs of aging
Skin quality can gradually decline for many reasons, including deeper layers becoming thin and facial fat loss. Age, sun damage, heredity, and stress are among the causes of these changes. Through the natural aging process, our facial skin muscles become loose, and sometimes, we are not satisfied with our appearance.
You may be dealing with signs of facial rejuvenation such as sagging skin concerns on your face and neck skin, deep creases in your nose and corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds), visible lines that extend near your mouth and chin, double chin, or jowls and facial fat displacement.
The deep plane facelifttechnique aims to solve all the aging signs and keep your facial structures youthfully shaped. Talking with a facial plastic surgeon can also help you learn about other ways that a deep plane facelift can improve your facial appearance.
2. Re-contours face and neck
As we get older, gravity and the loss of facial muscle tone tend to pull our skin downward, causing saggy skin on the face. Jowl formation occurs when loose skin hangs off the jaw and neck. It forms into folds or rolls under the jaw and neck. A deep plane lift can help define the shape of your jawline by removing the extra skin and fat found there.
3. Tightens saggy skin
A deep plane facelift tightens and smoothes loose facial tissue by tightening the loose tissue between the muscle and the face’s surface. In that way, it tightens the neck and facial muscles to reduce sags and bring back a smooth, young-looking appearance to the face long before the entire recovery process.
After the muscle and tissue underneath the surface of the facial tissues have been re-positioned and tightened, the facial tissues are redraped over the facial features, and excess facial tissues are trimmed off, effectively smoothing out wrinkles and firming up the facial tissues.

4. Reduce wrinkles
Deep wrinkles are also due to reduced collagen production. The deep plane facelift reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles, with an emphasis on those located near the nose and the mouth, also known as smile lines, and those formed between the mouth and chin, also called marionette lines.
5. Manageable recovery period
Many people hesitate to get a facelift because they think there will be a lot of downtime after surgery. However, the deep plane facelift allows for a quicker return to daily activities due to the surgical techniques it includes, such as small incisions and advanced skin tightening.
The recovery time lasts around 14 days in almost all patients.
6. Invisible scars
The deep plane technique usually involves incision lines that are designed to be invisible after they heal. To help ensure there are no visible signs that a surgical procedure has been done. Most people who get facelifts have them done in locations behind the ears or along the hairline so they’re less noticeable.
7. Natural-looking results
One of the primary benefits of the deep plane facelift, as opposed to traditional facelifts, is its ability to produce natural-looking results. This facelift procedure is meticulously designed to address not just the superficial skin layer but also the deeper tissues beneath. By working on this layer of tissue, the technique ensures that changes are made at a structural level, leading to more subtle and enduring outcomes.
Unlike the typical facelift that only tightens the top skin layer and can sometimes look unnatural, the deep plane facelift achieves natural facelift results by repositioning these deeper layers, respecting the face’s natural contours and facial expressions.
8. Long-lasting results
After your deep plane facelift procedure, the length of time your results last will depend on how well you take care of your skin, your genetic makeup, and your lifestyle choices. However, generally, you can expect your fresher-looking skin to last for up to 10 years.
If you’re experiencing signs of aging at that point, you may choose to undergo a non-invasive procedure or surgery to keep your youthful vitality once again.
9. Not only for women
Men suffer from age-associated skin conditions just like women. Facial rejuvenation is a popular choice among men who wish to improve their appearance. Men tend to focus on the eyes and smile lines rather than worry about jowls and sagging cheeks. A deep plane facelift can address all of these problems.
Men who undergo facial plastic surgery report significant improvement in self-confidence. This boost in confidence makes them feel better about themselves, and others notice the change in their appearance.
10. Combine it with other procedures
Cosmetic surgeries may need to be performed alone because they take too long to heal and require extensive recovery times. However, this doesn’t apply when it comes to having a deep plane facelift.
You may want to consider having other cosmetic procedures performed at the same time if you’d prefer not to spend too long recovering from several individual procedures.
It is also convenient because you won’t need to return to have the next procedure performed. When you talk to your surgeon, ask him/her about the procedures you’d like to have performed together so you know whether he/she can combine them into one visit. These could be neck lifts, brow lifts, lip augmentation, etc.
Thinking about getting a deep plane facelift?
Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Andres Bustillo, MD, FACS performs deep plane facelifts, thereby rejuvenating the aging face naturally and conservatively. Our patient’s facelift results never appear pulled or strained.
Dr. Bustillo is one of Castle Connolly’s top doctors, and he provides the highest-quality cosmetic procedures available. Contact him if you’re looking for an assessment of the deep plane facelift cost in Florida and know more about the procedure.