Dr. Bustillo has taught his surgical techniques internationally and has written extensively about rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelifts and necklifts in medical textbooks and scientific journals. He is an authority on Facial Plastic Surgery and is published in some of the leading textbooks of our time.

Book Chapters

Pastorek N., Bustillo A. Blepharoplasty.
In: Master Techniques in Facial RejuvenationMaster Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation.Azizzadeh B., Murphy M., Johnson, C. (ed)W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 2006

Pastorek N, Bustillo A. Blepharoplasty.
In: Otolaryngology – Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Fourth Edition. Bailey B. (ed)
Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. Philadelphia, PA. 2006

Pastorek N, Bustillo A. The deep plane face lift.
In: Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics. Wang T. (ed)
W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia, PA.
Vol. 13 (3) August 2005.

Constantinides MS, Bustillo A. Anatomy and analysis in revision rhinoplasty.
In: Revision Rhinoplasty. Becker DG. (ed)
Thieme Medical Publishers, N.Y. 2008.
Peer Reviewed Journals

The extended columellar strut tip graft.
Pastorek N, Bustillo A, Murphy M, Becker DG.
Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2005 May-Jun;7(3):176-84.

Caudal Septoplasty for Treatment of Septal Deviation: Aesthetic and Functional Correction of the Nasal Base.
Sedwick J, Bustillo A, Simons RL.
Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2005 May-Jun;7(3):158-162.

Nasal valve surgery improves disease-specific quality of life.
Rhee JS, Poetker DM, Smith TL, Bustillo A, Burzynski M, Davis RE.
The Laryngoscope 2005 Mar; 115(3): 437-41.
Revision single-stage laryngotracheal reconstruction in children.
Younis RT, Lazar RH, Bustillo A.
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology 2004 May; 113(5) 359-367.
Octreotide scintigraphy in the detection of recurrent paragangliomas.
Bustillo A, Telischi F.
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2004 Apr; 130(4): 470-82.
Octreotide scintigraphy in the head and neck.
Bustillo A, Telischi F, Weed DT, Civantos FJ, Angeli S, Serafini A, Whiteman M.
The Laryngoscope 2004 Mar;114(3): 434-40.
The efficacy of perioperative thromboprophylactic agents in the maintenance of
anastamotic patency and survival of rat microvascular free groin flaps.
Murthy P, Riesberg MV, Hart S, Bustillo A, Duque CS, Sid S, Civantos FJ.
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2003 Sep; 129(3): 176-82.
Orbital infections of sinusitis: Is the trend changing?
Younis RT, Lazar RH, Bustillo A, Anand V.
Ear Nose & Throat Journal 2002 Nov;81(11): 771-5.
Octreotide scintigraphy: Its role in the diagnosis of paragangliomas.
Telischi F, Bustillo A, Riesberg MV, Civantos FJ.
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2000 Mar; 122(3): 358-62.
Comparison of the auditory-evoked brainstem response wave I to distortion
product otoacoustic emissions resulting from changes to inner ear blood flow.
Telischi F, Agrama M, Stagner BB, Ozdamar O, Mom T, Martin GK, Bustillo A.
The Laryngoscope 1999 Feb;109(2 Pt 1): 186-91.
Lectures and Presentations
State of the art for facial rejuvenation.
Baptist Health Community Center. November 2009
The fight against wrinkles.
Baptist Health Community Center. April 2009
Surgical solutions for the aging face and neck.
Baptist Health Woman’s Center. November 2008
Non-invasive techniques for facial rejuvenation.
Baptist Health Woman’s Center. March 2007
Reconstruction of lip defects.
Grand Rounds Presentation, New York University Department of Otolaryngology. February 2005
Surgical treatment of the aging face and neck.
Grand Rounds Presentation. Cornell Medical College Department of Otolaryngology. January 2005
Nasal valve surgery improves disease-specific quality of life.
Presented at the Annual Chandler Society Resident Research Forum, June 2004
Locally recurrent well differentiated thyroid cancer involving the visceral organs:
Judicious combination of organ preservation with selective organ sacrifice.
Presented at the Triological Southern Section Meeting, Naples, Fl. January 2003
A subglottic mucopyocele as a cause of subglottic stenosis in an infant.
Presented at the Triological Southern Section Meeting, Naples, Fl. January 2003
Octreotide scintigraphy in the head and neck.
Presented at the Triological Southern Section Meeting, Naples, Fl. January 2003
Implantable materials in facial plastic & reconstructive surgery.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, November 2002
Octreotide scintigraphy in the detection of recurrent paragangliomas.
Presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, San Diego, Ca. September 2002
Management of ICU sinusitis.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, June 2002
Diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, January 2002
Local flaps in facial plastic & reconstructive surgery.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, August 2001
Management of pediatric sinusitis.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, March 2001
Paragangliomas of the head and neck.
Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Miami Department of Otolaryngology, October 2000
Temporal Bone Competition: First Place
Twelfth Annual Chandler Society Resident Research Forum, June 2004
Temporal Bone Competition: First Place
Tenth Annual Chandler Society Resident Research Forum, June 2002
Resident Research Award: First Place
Tenth Annual Chandler Society Resident Research Forum, June 2002
Academy for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Medical Student Travel Award 1997
For work in: Sound over-exposure effects on 2f1-f2 DPOAE onset latencies in humans.
Lonsbury-Martin B, Martin GK, Kara KO, Eckley CA, Bustillo A, Stagner BB.
Presented at the Academy for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Meeting St. Petersberg, Fl. 1997